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Welcome to the luxury, bespoke world of Soleil Atelier; a premier, Italian made luxury shoe brand for women that provides sexy, low- heel sophistication for discerning clients. Soleil Atelier creates a profile of high-heel sophistication with the low-heel pragmatics of sound construction without sacrificing style. This is a shoe that is beyond stylish– it is a shoe that is built to last while staying sexy and embracing trends that women need to complete their wardrobes.

The challenge for many women is the desire to wear sexy heels in multiple settings of activity. Stylish shoes should have multiple utility– dancing,  light walking, and standing should not be activities that are negotiated. How many women have had an evening ruined due to the challenge of making a decision between looking sexy and being able to simply function? Soleil Atelier addresses this issue through thoughtful design; you can dance at the wedding, walk to lunch with your colleagues, stand at the cocktail party, jump at the concert and still look fabulous. Most importantly, we believe that great style and fashion does not require a sacrifice of safety, comfort or fashion.

Soleil Atelier- Meet the founder

My name is Latika Archuleta and I have always been a 4 inch heel kind of  girl. You all know what I mean by this (laugh). 

Since I was a little girl, my dream was to become a fashion designer. When I was in high school, I made prom & pageant dresses and dedicated my time to cultivating skills in arts and fashion.  However, after graduating from college, I made the choice, like so many other women, to defer my dreams for pragmatic reasons. I got married and was fortunate to become pregnant with my daughter. 

Previous to pregnancy, I was flitting around in my 4 inch heels and matching those shoes with fashion choices that matched my style. Pregnancy and motherhood changed the game for me. Suddenly, I was confronted with the reality that my shoes that I used to put on without a thought were deeply uncomfortable and impractical. I refused to compromise on my aesthetic, but I could not find stylish options that met my requirements. There were only so many pairs of sneakers I was willing to wear. Sadly, I was relegated to slides and often cheaply made casual shoes. I, like many women, was reminded every time I opened my closet of a grand disappointment; rows upon rows of chic heels, which had cost me a fortune, were slowly collecting dust from disuse.

Through shear exasperation, I returned to my art background and started a drawing portfolio of  shoes that I wish I had that I could purchase. One day, I suddenly looked at all of my designs and realized, “You know what? I can make these designs come true!”  I researched shoe making methods and found a set of artisan craftsmen in Italy that could execute my dreams from my drawings. 

As I wore my designs out and about– grocery shopping, to a concert, attending PTA meetings, strolling in the park, I was continually stopped by other women  with questions about the provenance of my shoes. Specifically, I would be asked, “Girl, where did you get those shoes?”. I decided that after enough questions, my pleasure should be shared. Moreover, I dared to dream that my shoes and design philosophy could be available for all women: Soleil Atelier was born!

I vowed to make Soleil Atelier a company that met the needs of women who simply want to look fashionable without sacrificing style. My shoes are for women who are uncompromising in their tastes. I look forward to helping women fill their closets with exclusive, handmade, high quality Italian leather shoes to complete their wardrobes that are worth their investment. 

A Soleil Styled Woman holds on fiercely to her right to enjoy walking with pretty shoes and comfortable feet supporting their path to enjoyment and wellness.